
The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership Part6

Yes, indeed,’ answered the Cat; ‘ it will taste as good to you as if you stretched your thin tongue out of the window.’
They started off, and when they reached it they found the pot in its place, but quite empty!
Ah,’ said the Mouse,’ ‘now I know what has happened! It has all come out! You are a true friend to me! You have eaten it all when you stood godmother; first the top off, then half of it gone, then—-’
Will you be quiet!’ screamed the Cat. ‘Another word and I will eat you up.’
Cleangone’ was already on the poor Mouse’s tongue, and scarcely was it out than the Cat made a spring at her, seized and swallowed her.
You see that is the way of the world.



1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

In this context, "swallow" does not mean "納得して受け入れる" so you should not have included it in your blog.

Also, you need to include a link to the story in each post.