Episode 10: The Bartender Shows Up
recognize/~に覚えがある/Did anyone recognize the man who shot Costello?
confused/混乱した/I was now more confused than before.
evidence/証拠、証明/I had no evidence of that.
calm/穏やかに,落ち着いて/Let’s just try to stay calm and find out what is going on.
terrible/ひどい/I made a terrible mistake.
blame/非難、~のせいにする/You can’t blame yourself.
Missing Person - Episode #9
Episode 9: At the Beach
mostly/主に/The customers were mostly college students.
suspicious/怪しい、疑い深く/“Who’s looking for her?” she asked, a little suspicious.
impatient/短気な、気の短い/I was getting impatient with this girl.
unfriendly/不親切な/She crossed her arms and looked at me with a very unfriendly face.
mostly/主に/The customers were mostly college students.
suspicious/怪しい、疑い深く/“Who’s looking for her?” she asked, a little suspicious.
impatient/短気な、気の短い/I was getting impatient with this girl.
unfriendly/不親切な/She crossed her arms and looked at me with a very unfriendly face.
Missing Person - Episode #8
Episode 8: Tracing the Plates
ambulance/救急車/“Be careful! She may have broken bones,” the ambulance driver yelled.
victim/犠牲者/I’m a friend of the victim.
favor/助け/When I needed a favor, he was always willing to help.
registration/登録、届出/I need some information on a car registration.
bartender/バーテンダー/"Excuseme,bartender"I said.
waste/浪費、無駄に使う/I’m not here to waste your time.
investigate/調査する、捜査する/I’m investigating a girl who’s gone missing.
suspicion/疑い/I just want to clear someone of suspicion.
ambulance/救急車/“Be careful! She may have broken bones,” the ambulance driver yelled.
victim/犠牲者/I’m a friend of the victim.
favor/助け/When I needed a favor, he was always willing to help.
registration/登録、届出/I need some information on a car registration.
bartender/バーテンダー/"Excuseme,bartender"I said.
waste/浪費、無駄に使う/I’m not here to waste your time.
investigate/調査する、捜査する/I’m investigating a girl who’s gone missing.
suspicion/疑い/I just want to clear someone of suspicion.
Missing Person - Episode #7
An Accident?
forced/強制的な,強制的に/forced them both into a car, and took them away.
mixed up/頭の混乱した, 社会的適応のできない/And how did you get mixed up in all this?
confidently/確信して、自信のある/She said confidently.
judgment/判断、意見/I trust her judgment.
scanner/スキャナ/Suddenly I heard an emergency announcement on the police scanner in my car.
related/関係のある/ I had it put into my car so I could hear any important police action related to my cases.
immediately/すぐさま/ I immediately pulled over and cranked up the volume.
details/詳細/I listened closely to the name as the radio operator gave the details.
forced/強制的な,強制的に/forced them both into a car, and took them away.
mixed up/頭の混乱した, 社会的適応のできない/And how did you get mixed up in all this?
confidently/確信して、自信のある/She said confidently.
judgment/判断、意見/I trust her judgment.
scanner/スキャナ/Suddenly I heard an emergency announcement on the police scanner in my car.
related/関係のある/ I had it put into my car so I could hear any important police action related to my cases.
immediately/すぐさま/ I immediately pulled over and cranked up the volume.
details/詳細/I listened closely to the name as the radio operator gave the details.
Missing Person - Episode #6
Episode 6: Kathy (Again)
linger/ぐずぐずする、なかなか立ち去らない/I didn’t linger there with Anne
reassure/安心させる/I wanted to reassure her that things would work out.
snag/でっぱり、思わぬ障害にひっかかる/ I snagged a parking spot
willing/意欲のある、喜んで~する/How much are you willing to pay me?
pretend/~のまねをする、ふりをする/she still likes to pretend that we’re going out.
interfering/→interfere→干渉する、邪魔をする/life keeps interfering…
dig in/突込む、(食べ物に)かぶりつく/Let’s dig in.
conference/会議/I first met her at a conference in Hawaii about six years ago.
linger/ぐずぐずする、なかなか立ち去らない/I didn’t linger there with Anne
reassure/安心させる/I wanted to reassure her that things would work out.
snag/でっぱり、思わぬ障害にひっかかる/ I snagged a parking spot
willing/意欲のある、喜んで~する/How much are you willing to pay me?
pretend/~のまねをする、ふりをする/she still likes to pretend that we’re going out.
interfering/→interfere→干渉する、邪魔をする/life keeps interfering…
dig in/突込む、(食べ物に)かぶりつく/Let’s dig in.
conference/会議/I first met her at a conference in Hawaii about six years ago.
Missing Person - Episode #5
No Police!
deadline/締め切り、最終期限/ If I don’t hand over the money by the deadline, he said he’s going to kill Sarah
pile/山/a very large pile of cash
afford/余裕/could afford her cell phone
occur/起こる/Drinking my tea and thinking about the case, the thought occurred to me that the kidnapper must know Anne and Sarah or at least know that they had a lot of money, and could get it quickly.
interrupt/話に割り込む、邪魔をする/ I interrupted
harm/害、危害を加える/list of people who might want to harm them.
suspects/容疑者,容疑/They got the list down to two prime suspects.
employee/従業員/They gave me the names of the two ex-employees.
insist/言い張る/She insisted.
involved/込み入った/there’ll be no police involved.
deadline/締め切り、最終期限/ If I don’t hand over the money by the deadline, he said he’s going to kill Sarah
pile/山/a very large pile of cash
afford/余裕/could afford her cell phone
occur/起こる/Drinking my tea and thinking about the case, the thought occurred to me that the kidnapper must know Anne and Sarah or at least know that they had a lot of money, and could get it quickly.
interrupt/話に割り込む、邪魔をする/ I interrupted
harm/害、危害を加える/list of people who might want to harm them.
suspects/容疑者,容疑/They got the list down to two prime suspects.
employee/従業員/They gave me the names of the two ex-employees.
insist/言い張る/She insisted.
involved/込み入った/there’ll be no police involved.
Missing Person - Episode #4
Meeting at the Cafe
excitedly/→excite→興奮した/She said excitedly.
kidnap/誘拐/She said "Sarah’s been kidnapped!”
incredulously/→incredulous→容易に信じない, 疑い深い/somewhat incredulously.
ransom/身代金/That a man is holding her, and he will kill her if we don’t give him the ransom he’s demanding.
typical/典型的な/The weather was typical for Los Angeles.
degrees/ある日の平均気温の標準値からの偏差;冷暖房に必要なエネルギーなどを計算する単位/75 degrees, with brown smog covering the city.
nightmares/悪夢/ L.A. is a city of dreams. But for some people, it’s a city of nightmares.
addict/中毒者/I’m a bit of a caffeine addict, truth be told.
impatiently/いらいらして/She asked impatiently.
obscenities/→obscene→みだらな、汚らわしい/he had a gun in my face and was shouting obscenities at me.
muscular/筋肉質な/He was tall and muscular
excitedly/→excite→興奮した/She said excitedly.
kidnap/誘拐/She said "Sarah’s been kidnapped!”
incredulously/→incredulous→容易に信じない, 疑い深い/somewhat incredulously.
ransom/身代金/That a man is holding her, and he will kill her if we don’t give him the ransom he’s demanding.
typical/典型的な/The weather was typical for Los Angeles.
degrees/ある日の平均気温の標準値からの偏差;冷暖房に必要なエネルギーなどを計算する単位/75 degrees, with brown smog covering the city.
nightmares/悪夢/ L.A. is a city of dreams. But for some people, it’s a city of nightmares.
addict/中毒者/I’m a bit of a caffeine addict, truth be told.
impatiently/いらいらして/She asked impatiently.
obscenities/→obscene→みだらな、汚らわしい/he had a gun in my face and was shouting obscenities at me.
muscular/筋肉質な/He was tall and muscular
Missing Person - Episode #3
A Woman in Pain
at one fell swoop/一挙に/In one fell swoop, I kicked the shower curtain back.
poke/つつく/I poked around the rest of the bedroom, and then followed Anne into the kitchen.
burglary/強盗/There was no sign of any violence, no burglary, no break-in. I checked in the master bedroom
pill/薬/What are these pills for, do you know?”
mess up/だいなしにする/He messed up his leg playing football in college.
purse/ハンドバッグ/Then I saw Anne reach inside her purse.
fear/恐れて/Anne hung up and looked at me in fear.
at one fell swoop/一挙に/In one fell swoop, I kicked the shower curtain back.
poke/つつく/I poked around the rest of the bedroom, and then followed Anne into the kitchen.
burglary/強盗/There was no sign of any violence, no burglary, no break-in. I checked in the master bedroom
pill/薬/What are these pills for, do you know?”
mess up/だいなしにする/He messed up his leg playing football in college.
purse/ハンドバッグ/Then I saw Anne reach inside her purse.
fear/恐れて/Anne hung up and looked at me in fear.
Missing Person - Episode #2
Beer and Cigarettes
detective/刑事、私立探偵/Some of my students know I’m an amateur detective.
agency/代理店/I worked for a security agency that protected private homes
criminals/犯罪、犯罪者/I learned a lot about criminals.
arrest/逮捕する/I was arrested by the police
suggest/提案する/ I suggested.
detective/刑事、私立探偵/Some of my students know I’m an amateur detective.
agency/代理店/I worked for a security agency that protected private homes
criminals/犯罪、犯罪者/I learned a lot about criminals.
arrest/逮捕する/I was arrested by the police
suggest/提案する/ I suggested.
Missing Person - Episode #1
Episode 1: The Man in the Mask
1.plan/計画する/I didn’t even plan to kill him.
2.ticking~off/小言、叱責/I had no idea why this stranger was hitting me, and it was ticking me off.
3.missing/行方不明/Her sister, Sarah, was missing.
4.halfway/中途半端に/We were on our way to Sarah's apartment to find her, when halfway up the front steps of the building.
5.scream/悲鳴をあげる/He screamed with pain.
6.moan/うめき声をあげる/“Oh my God!” he moaned.
7.grab/つかむ/I grabbed him by the shirt
8.yell/叫ぶ、怒鳴る/He yelled even louder now.
9.suppose/~と思われる/she was supposed to have lunch with her sister
Episode 1: The Man in the Mask
1.plan/計画する/I didn’t even plan to kill him.
2.ticking~off/小言、叱責/I had no idea why this stranger was hitting me, and it was ticking me off.
3.missing/行方不明/Her sister, Sarah, was missing.
4.halfway/中途半端に/We were on our way to Sarah's apartment to find her, when halfway up the front steps of the building.
5.scream/悲鳴をあげる/He screamed with pain.
6.moan/うめき声をあげる/“Oh my God!” he moaned.
7.grab/つかむ/I grabbed him by the shirt
8.yell/叫ぶ、怒鳴る/He yelled even louder now.
9.suppose/~と思われる/she was supposed to have lunch with her sister
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