Episode 6: Kathy (Again)
linger/ぐずぐずする、なかなか立ち去らない/I didn’t linger there with Anne
reassure/安心させる/I wanted to reassure her that things would work out.
snag/でっぱり、思わぬ障害にひっかかる/ I snagged a parking spot
willing/意欲のある、喜んで~する/How much are you willing to pay me?
pretend/~のまねをする、ふりをする/she still likes to pretend that we’re going out.
interfering/→interfere→干渉する、邪魔をする/life keeps interfering…
dig in/突込む、(食べ物に)かぶりつく/Let’s dig in.
conference/会議/I first met her at a conference in Hawaii about six years ago.
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