No Police!
deadline/締め切り、最終期限/ If I don’t hand over the money by the deadline, he said he’s going to kill Sarah
pile/山/a very large pile of cash
afford/余裕/could afford her cell phone
occur/起こる/Drinking my tea and thinking about the case, the thought occurred to me that the kidnapper must know Anne and Sarah or at least know that they had a lot of money, and could get it quickly.
interrupt/話に割り込む、邪魔をする/ I interrupted
harm/害、危害を加える/list of people who might want to harm them.
suspects/容疑者,容疑/They got the list down to two prime suspects.
employee/従業員/They gave me the names of the two ex-employees.
insist/言い張る/She insisted.
involved/込み入った/there’ll be no police involved.
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