
Missing Person - Episode #4

Meeting at the Cafe

excitedly/→excite→興奮した/She said excitedly.

kidnap/誘拐/She said "Sarah’s been kidnapped!”

incredulously/→incredulous→容易に信じない, 疑い深い/somewhat incredulously.

ransom/身代金/That a man is holding her, and he will kill her if we don’t give him the ransom he’s demanding.

typical/典型的な/The weather was typical for Los Angeles.

degrees/ある日の平均気温の標準値からの偏差;冷暖房に必要なエネルギーなどを計算する単位/75 degrees, with brown smog covering the city.

nightmares/悪夢/ L.A. is a city of dreams. But for some people, it’s a city of nightmares.

addict/中毒者/I’m a bit of a caffeine addict, truth be told.

impatiently/いらいらして/She asked impatiently.

obscenities/→obscene→みだらな、汚らわしい/he had a gun in my face and was shouting obscenities at me.

muscular/筋肉質な/He was tall and muscular

1 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Good! All we need is a link!