Episode 1: The Man in the Mask
1.plan/計画する/I didn’t even plan to kill him.
2.ticking~off/小言、叱責/I had no idea why this stranger was hitting me, and it was ticking me off.
3.missing/行方不明/Her sister, Sarah, was missing.
4.halfway/中途半端に/We were on our way to Sarah's apartment to find her, when halfway up the front steps of the building.
5.scream/悲鳴をあげる/He screamed with pain.
6.moan/うめき声をあげる/“Oh my God!” he moaned.
7.grab/つかむ/I grabbed him by the shirt
8.yell/叫ぶ、怒鳴る/He yelled even louder now.
9.suppose/~と思われる/she was supposed to have lunch with her sister
1 件のコメント:
This is good. I can see that you are learning some new words.